Godzilla’s back and it’s time for some widespread mayhem and destruction…and not much else unfortunately. Set five years after the conclusion of the original rebooted
Magic and music and many, many wishes; Aladdin is back, but this time in the flesh! Aladdin, the newest live-action remake of a Disney animated
So basically don’t fuck with John Wick, even if you have a legion of evil assassin minions at your disposal. Got it. Taking place directly
Now that’s how you do a video game movie right! Taking place in the world of Pokémon but loosely based on the spinoff game of
We’re finally in the endgame now, and I couldn’t be happier. The culmination of a shared universe that gave birth to a new age of
You ever hear the saying that if your future self never came back to tell you not to do something that it couldn’t be that
This is my favorite DC comic based film in a while. Other DC films take note! Based on the comic book character of the same
Jordan Peele might have started off making people laugh, but man, does he know how to scare the crap out of people too. Peele’s second
Wonder Woman this film is not, so if you expected something similar quality-wise, you’re out of luck. Taking place way back in the 90s (almost
Do you ever specifically go to the movies for a reason other than the draw of the film itself? Ever listen to an album from