All posts by Brian Colucci

Brian is first and foremost a nerd in every way shape and form. He likes to compare himself to a black hole, consuming any and every form of entertainment unlucky enough to get caught in his gravitational pull. It's not uncommon on any given day for him to read a couple comics, settle down with a good book, watch a few movies (inside and out of the theater), catch up on his ever growing but never depleting Hulu queue, challenge himself with a few good video games, listen to any music he can get his hands on and, of course, write his heart out. He spends every waking moment dreaming up interesting and intriguing concepts and ideas that will hopefully one day inspire and entertain anyone looking for an escape from their daily lives. Graduating from Full Sail University in good old humid Florida, Brian currently lives and works in New York City and is waiting for the day when all he has to do is wake up and create something unique and new for people to enjoy. He is always in the process of writing scripts and stories and is constantly on the lookout for ways to enhance and build his creative drive. After all, life is just one big story, all that really matters is how you strive to make it the best story possible. Disclaimer: Brian does not actually have powdered green skin in case anyone was wondering. A Skrull I am not. Blame the guys at the Color Run for this one.


Petty Crimes

Fantastic Beasts: The Crimes of Grindelwald

Nov 19, 2018Comments off

I keep expecting more from this Harry Potter spin-off, but it doesn’t seem to be in the cards…at least not for this one. A sequel

Blog: Oculus Rift: A Ten-Minute Hands-On Fi...

Nov 09, 2018Comments off

It’s no secret that I’m overly excited about the future of virtual reality and the tech behind it – I wrote as much about it

Stories: Red Mist

Oct 31, 2018Comments off

This one is a revamped version of something I wrote back in college. Is Stuart going crazy or is he already there?   Red Mist

Stories: Sarah

Oct 23, 2018Comments off

This one is all about family and sharing a nice dinner between loved ones. But being a horror short, you can expect things to get


Tricks and Treats


Oct 23, 2018Comments off

Now this is the franchise sequel we’ve all been waiting for! Why it took 40 years and about a hundred other sequels is anyone’s guess. A

Stories: Rain

Oct 15, 2018Comments off

This one is horror story with a happy ending. Or is it a happy story with a horror opening? Click the title below to read!


A Symbiotic Malfunction


Oct 11, 2018Comments off

At least this one wasn’t the train wreck everyone was expecting it to be…it’s just dangerously close. After an emergency crash landing sends a Life

Stories: Bloody Disgusting

Oct 08, 2018Comments off

This one is from my college days that pokes fun at horror tropes. It would probably work better on camera with an overly cheesy score

Blog: Film Trailers: Selling the Experience...

Oct 08, 2018Comments off

Trailers are obviously nothing new to the industry, film or otherwise. They help advertise the best and most exhilarating parts of an upcoming project or

Blog: Stop, Collaborate and Listen

Oct 02, 2018Comments off

Being creative is more often than not a singular, personal experience. A lot of times us creative types like to hole ourselves in our rooms,