It’s basically an episode of the show, but longer! Making the leap from the small screen to the silver one, Teen Titans Go! To The
I feel like movies like this need to be made more often. Taking place in what seems to be a weird, parallel universe to our
Big things come in tiny packages apparently. Set before Avengers: Infinity War but after Captain America: Civil War, Ant-Man and the Wasp follows Scott Lang
When will we learn that life…uh…finds a way no matter what we try to do to control it??? Taking place a few years after the
It’s been an incredibly long wait, but the final product is incredibly worth it! Released fourteen years after the original, but taking place immediately afterwards
If Danny Ocean could only see his sister now! A spinoff of a remake of an old Rat Pack movie, Ocean’s 8 follows Debbie Ocean
A great premise and a solid cast can only do so much for a film like this… Taking place decades into the future, Hotel Artemis
Alright, I’ll admit it, we didn’t need this movie, but I’m sure glad it came out anyway. Taking place years before the events of the original
So this was the movie I was expecting the first time around! Picking up a few years after the original left off, Deadpool 2 sees
After ten years and nearly twenty movies under their belt, Marvel Studios has finally accomplished something I didn’t think possible, let alone probable. And to