This franchise is going in the wrong direction, and after such a stellar legacy sequel in 2021’s Ghostbusters: Afterlife, that’s a big disappointment. Continuing the paranormal
I think the biggest travesty (out of many) in this one came in the form of what the production thought a Metro North train to
This film is so bad that I watched two people get up and leave before the credits rolled, and I seriously considered going with them.
At least this was a better bad movie than the first Aquaman! Too bad it’s the official end of the DCEU, though. Set a few years
Maybe we’ll be okay if this is what the rest of DC’s new shared cinematic universe looks and feels like…. just maybe… Acting as a
They finally got teenagers to voice the Turtles! Oh, and the movie is pretty great, too. Set during the Turtles’ formative years, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles:
I’m not saying the Mission: Impossible franchise is losing steam, but maybe this one shouldn’t have split into two parts or, I don’t know, have its most
I really wish Harrison Ford and director James Mangold had a chance to do their own Indy trilogy because this one wasn’t half bad! Set
Too bad Flash isn’t fast enough to outrun Ezra Miller’s real-life problems, or else this movie might have turned out better than it actually did.
This movie sucks, and I’m even saying that going by the crappy standard Michael Bay’s Transformers sequels have already set. A standalone sequel to 2018’s Bumblebee but a prequel