All posts by Brian Colucci

Brian is first and foremost a nerd in every way shape and form. He likes to compare himself to a black hole, consuming any and every form of entertainment unlucky enough to get caught in his gravitational pull. It's not uncommon on any given day for him to read a couple comics, settle down with a good book, watch a few movies (inside and out of the theater), catch up on his ever growing but never depleting Hulu queue, challenge himself with a few good video games, listen to any music he can get his hands on and, of course, write his heart out. He spends every waking moment dreaming up interesting and intriguing concepts and ideas that will hopefully one day inspire and entertain anyone looking for an escape from their daily lives. Graduating from Full Sail University in good old humid Florida, Brian currently lives and works in New York City and is waiting for the day when all he has to do is wake up and create something unique and new for people to enjoy. He is always in the process of writing scripts and stories and is constantly on the lookout for ways to enhance and build his creative drive. After all, life is just one big story, all that really matters is how you strive to make it the best story possible. Disclaimer: Brian does not actually have powdered green skin in case anyone was wondering. A Skrull I am not. Blame the guys at the Color Run for this one.


"Honest" Rating

Star Wars: The Force Awakens “Honest&...

Dec 29, 2015Comments off

***So after seeing this film three times with various friends and family members over the course of a week, I’ve finally decided, after much thought


"Fanboy" Rating

Star Wars: The Force Awakens “Fanboy&...

Dec 29, 2015Comments off

***So after seeing this film three times with various friends and family members over the course of a week, I’ve finally decided, after much thought




Dec 11, 2015Comments off

So apparently getting coal for Christmas isn’t the worst thing that can happen to kids on Santa’s naughty list. Based on the real folklore character,


The Okay Dinosaur

The Good Dinosaur

Nov 29, 2015Comments off

Even a mediocre Pixar movie is better than half the crap coming out of Hollywood nowadays. The 16th feature film in Pixar’s ever-growing repertoire, The


Hungry No Longer

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2

Nov 29, 2015Comments off

I really wish Hollywood would cut the crap with these unnecessary split up finales. Mockingjay was one book for a reason people, and that was


Holiday Cheer

The Night Before

Nov 23, 2015Comments off

Twas’ the night before Christmas and all through the city, not a creature was stirring…except for three friends getting into some shit. The Night Before


Old School Charm

The Peanuts Movie

Nov 13, 2015Comments off

I think the late Mr. Schulz would be proud of this film, or at the very least, would have approved the direction the filmmakers have


Mediocre, James Mediocre


Nov 11, 2015Comments off

I think it might be time to start up a new era in the greater James Bond saga. Spectre, directed by Skyfall helmer Sam Mendes,


Scary Fun


Oct 26, 2015Comments off

Goosebumps is a lot better than it has any right to be. I expected another half-assed attempt to make a franchise out of something that


Beware of Crimson Peak

Crimson Peak

Oct 19, 2015Comments off

I’m at odds with this film. Absolutely everything about it is awesome from the cinematography to the production design to the tone to the special