If you were a fan of the original movie, then odds are you’ll like this one just fine. If you weren’t, well, there’s always Detective Pikachu to
I like me a good murder mystery, but something about this one just didn’t click for me. Set a few years after the events of
So who had odds on an entertainment series that puts bodily fluids, wiener abuse, and all other kinds of physical harm front and center for
Over twenty years later and Scream’s shtick still works…mostly. Set twenty-five years after the events of the original movie, this sequel — also for some reason
So I can’t necessarily say this is a good movie, but to me, it’s already an underrated one that deserves way more credit than it’s
No idea how this movie wasn’t an overstuffed train-wreck, so whatever happened to make it as good as it was needs to be distilled down,
Now, this is how you do a reboot/sequel decades after the fact right! Set in a sleepy Oklahoma town years after the original Ghostbusters have
So I thought this film was fine, but boy does it do some things narratively that I wish it hadn’t. Taking place directly after the
The devil may have made the characters in this movie do it, but who in the hell made the filmmakers greenlight this threequel? What a